As usual the areas with Saab's from all over Europe is huge, even bigger this year i would say.
One of my favorites from the day is the "Saab 900 Swedish police car", i don't now if its a replica or an actual old police car, but it was fully loaded with police equipment.. See pictures of the car below.
Nevs was showing their electric car, the car they was showing can take you around 200 km on one charge and it takes around 12 hours to charge it and cannot be fast charged, charging during the night would be best i think. I would guess that they is developing a fast charging solution.
Some of the exhibitors on the area was Neo Bros, Maptun, Saab Turboklubben, Svenska Saabklubben and more. The traditional Saab swap meet was placed in the middle of the biggest exhibition area, and was full of tempting parts, details and Saab advertisement gadgets. Unfortunately the Saab festival is now over for this time, and probably it will take some time before i see as much Saabs in one place as this weekend!
See more pictures on my Flickr photostream:
Wonderful pictures on your Flickr Robert, many thanks! Très belles photos à voir sur le flickr de Robert, regrets de n'avoir pu être de la partie!