"Quand est ce que le gouvenement se rendra compte que l'on pourrait utiliser l'usine Saab à quelque chose de plus sensé que de produire des voitures à perte et de remplir les poches de Victor Muller et de Vladimir Antonov avec de l'argent public ?"
Pourquoi resonner sur le mode "A la place de" ? Il est important de preserver et develloper ce qui peut etre bon pour le pays .Et Saab ne représente en aucun cas le peril de la Suède . C'est un fleuron industriel historique auquel sont attachés beaucoup de Suèdois et pas qu'à Trollhättan .De plus Saab s'evertue à innover en terme d'environnement .Les époques du 2 temps et du charbon sont aujourd'hui révolus et l'usine Saab ne constitue en rien un symbole de pollution .Et encore moins un puits sans fond pour les finances publiques .
Such is the absurd idea advanced by Mr. Anders_S on his blog. Very inspired by the example that Germany wants to give in this field , Anders_S like to see disappear from the swedish landscape , nuclear power and the Saab factory in Trollhättan in favor of an energy project:
"When the government acted as it will realize that we could use the Saab factory in something more useful than producing cars at a loss and fill the pockets of Victor Muller and Vladimir Antonov with money public? "
Why resonate in the way "Instead of "? It is important to preserve and devellop what can be good for the country. And Saab is not a danger for Sweden. It is an industrial historical flagship which is important for many people and not only in Trollhättan . Moreover Saab strives to innovate in terms of environment. The time of 2 strokes and coal are now over and Saab plant can't be a symbol of pollution. And even less a bottomless pit for public finances.
"When the government acted as it will realize that we could use the Saab factory in something more useful than producing cars at a loss and fill the pockets of Victor Muller and Vladimir Antonov with money public? "
Why resonate in the way "Instead of "? It is important to preserve and devellop what can be good for the country. And Saab is not a danger for Sweden. It is an industrial historical flagship which is important for many people and not only in Trollhättan . Moreover Saab strives to innovate in terms of environment. The time of 2 strokes and coal are now over and Saab plant can't be a symbol of pollution. And even less a bottomless pit for public finances.
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