Sommers automobilmuseum for classic cars in denmark has opened a special Saab exhibition, its only opened a limited time. It was opened the 5 of February, and its going to be open to the 29th of April. The exhibition covering Saabs history from the start shortly after the second world war to the point where the factory was bought by General Motors in the early 90:s. This means that the today very rare Saab 92 can be seen at the museum. Of course the exhibition also includes Saab 93, 96. In Technical terms, Saab has always been a pioneer, among the first to have a turbo in a regular car, and to show this they showing an early Saab 99 Turbo. The sporty side of Saab is represented by a Saab Sonett from 1966.
A Saab Lancia 600, a few saab 9000:s, a Saabo camper and others is also included in the exhibition.
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